تاريخ إصدارة البرنامج :
4 / 11 / 2013
Scidot Math-Science 3.3 for Word 2013, 2010 & Word 2007 -- 46.67 MB
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البرنامج عبارة عن إداة صغيرة جدا يتم دمجها لكى تظهر مع حزمة الأوفيس ،،، برنامج رائع جدا ومتميز لكتابة المعادلات والرموز الخاصة بالرياضيات والفيزياء والكيمياء و الهندسة الرياضية .... : فهو إضافة يتم دمجها بشكل آلى مع أوفيس 2003 و 2007 و 2010 و 2013 ويحتوى على كل كبيرة وصغيرة خاصة بهذه المواد بالأضافة إلى الأدوات الكثيرة جدااااااااااااااا ....
وإليكم الصور من داخل برنامج الوورد ((( البرنامج يتم دمجه تلقائيا بدون تدخل)))
الرياضيات Mathematics
الفيزياء Physics
الكيمياء Chemistry
توافق البرنامج
سعر البرنامج في الموقع
Price : 69.00 €
عن البرنامج باللغة الإنجليزية
Math-Science is a Microsoft Word ™ template that provide new tabs to the ribbon interface, in order to write documents for all kinds of educational purposes.You will find great and useful tools for writing your own worksheets ! The new version is fully compatible with Microsoft Word 2013, Microsoft Word 2010 and Microsoft Word 2007.
Button to open Word Equation Editor, button to toggle between Word Equation Editor and Fields Codes, button to display/hide Fields Code
Mathematical formatting using either Word Equation Editor or Fields Codes
Insert an angle, a vector, a fraction, a square (or multiple) root, text bordered with a frame, an arc, a conjugate, an algebraic measurement, cross out a text, simplify a fraction, insert a multiplication arrow, insert superscript and subscript simultaneously
Insert a matrix, calculator keys, delimitors (parenthesis, brackets, rounded brackets)
Insert a sum, a product, an integral sum, an arrangement, a combinaison (2 forms), a primitive form, a limit, a derivative, an union, an intersection, an equivalent
Insert set symbols R, N, Z, C, Q, F, D, +/-/* and most common symbols
Insert greek letters and cursives caps.
draw additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions as done with the pencil
Compute the expression of a function from given points (line, parabola, cubic function)
Insert or fill table of values for one or many functions
Draw a table of variations of a function (defining the function expression or not)
Draw a table of sign of one or many expressions
Draw functions curves, conics, lines, vectors, etc...
Draw a point, a segment, a double-arrow, remarkable lines of a selected polygon,
Draw a grid to draw the following elements: point, vector, line, function curves, conics, cloud of points
Draw an angle of line, a triangle, a trapezoid, a parallelogram, a rhombus, a square, a rectangle, a regular polygone
Draw a circle, an arc of circle, a pie-chart, simple statistical drawing (bar graph, pie chart, half-pie chart)
Draw all kind of grids (small and large school paper, hexagonal, rectangle, triangular pattern), and networks of points
Draw millimeter paper, semi-logarithmic and logarithmic paper, polar paper, axis and trigonometric circle
Represent a fraction with a disc, a square, a rectangle
Draw 3D objects (tetrahedron, cube, pavoid, pyramid, prism, cone, cylinder, sphere, intersection between the earth and a plane, the earth globe)
Draw Perspectives (cube, pavoid, cylinder, prism, pyramid)
Draw Folding (tetrahedron, cube, pavoid, pyramid, prism, cone, cylinder)
Draw usual instruments: rule, compass, set square, protractor, pen (fits on the selected line segment)
Measure the length, the perimeter, the angle and the area of a polygon (triangle, parallelogram, etc..)
Apply transformations of the plane to drawing objects: central symmetry, axial symmetry, rotation, translation, dilation
Creates electricity & electronic drawings that fit on a grid
More drawings in electromagnism, semi-conductors, pneumatics
Creates mechanical, optical, acoustical drawings
Oscilloscope screen editor: 4 inputs with pre-traced curves and function graphing
Optical bank: draw rays throught a converging or diverging lens
Quick insertion of ions, atoms, Ox/Red, and Acido-basic couples (with constant)
2D Chemistry glassware and lab-equipment
3D Chemistry glassware and lab-equipment: usual titration and equipments
Pictograms, symbols of danger, and new symbols of danger
Compute molar mass, print chemical symbols
Draw evolution table of a chemical reaction
Graphs titration curves (pH-meter and conductimeter method)
Chemical reaction arrows
Chemical formula editor (molecular and structural)
أثبات التفعيل
Button to open Word Equation Editor, button to toggle between Word Equation Editor and Fields Codes, button to display/hide Fields Code
Mathematical formatting using either Word Equation Editor or Fields Codes
Insert an angle, a vector, a fraction, a square (or multiple) root, text bordered with a frame, an arc, a conjugate, an algebraic measurement, cross out a text, simplify a fraction, insert a multiplication arrow, insert superscript and subscript simultaneously
Insert a matrix, calculator keys, delimitors (parenthesis, brackets, rounded brackets)
Insert a sum, a product, an integral sum, an arrangement, a combinaison (2 forms), a primitive form, a limit, a derivative, an union, an intersection, an equivalent
Insert set symbols R, N, Z, C, Q, F, D, +/-/* and most common symbols
Insert greek letters and cursives caps.
draw additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions as done with the pencil
Compute the expression of a function from given points (line, parabola, cubic function)
Insert or fill table of values for one or many functions
Draw a table of variations of a function (defining the function expression or not)
Draw a table of sign of one or many expressions
Draw functions curves, conics, lines, vectors, etc...
Draw a point, a segment, a double-arrow, remarkable lines of a selected polygon,
Draw a grid to draw the following elements: point, vector, line, function curves, conics, cloud of points
Draw an angle of line, a triangle, a trapezoid, a parallelogram, a rhombus, a square, a rectangle, a regular polygone
Draw a circle, an arc of circle, a pie-chart, simple statistical drawing (bar graph, pie chart, half-pie chart)
Draw all kind of grids (small and large school paper, hexagonal, rectangle, triangular pattern), and networks of points
Draw millimeter paper, semi-logarithmic and logarithmic paper, polar paper, axis and trigonometric circle
Represent a fraction with a disc, a square, a rectangle
Draw 3D objects (tetrahedron, cube, pavoid, pyramid, prism, cone, cylinder, sphere, intersection between the earth and a plane, the earth globe)
Draw Perspectives (cube, pavoid, cylinder, prism, pyramid)
Draw Folding (tetrahedron, cube, pavoid, pyramid, prism, cone, cylinder)
Draw usual instruments: rule, compass, set square, protractor, pen (fits on the selected line segment)
Measure the length, the perimeter, the angle and the area of a polygon (triangle, parallelogram, etc..)
Apply transformations of the plane to drawing objects: central symmetry, axial symmetry, rotation, translation, dilation
Creates electricity & electronic drawings that fit on a grid
More drawings in electromagnism, semi-conductors, pneumatics
Creates mechanical, optical, acoustical drawings
Oscilloscope screen editor: 4 inputs with pre-traced curves and function graphing
Optical bank: draw rays throught a converging or diverging lens
Quick insertion of ions, atoms, Ox/Red, and Acido-basic couples (with constant)
2D Chemistry glassware and lab-equipment
3D Chemistry glassware and lab-equipment: usual titration and equipments
Pictograms, symbols of danger, and new symbols of danger
Compute molar mass, print chemical symbols
Draw evolution table of a chemical reaction
Graphs titration curves (pH-meter and conductimeter method)
Chemical reaction arrows
Chemical formula editor (molecular and structural)
أثبات التفعيل
رابط مباشر سريع
البرنامج + الكيجن
46.67 MB
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