Assessment of Existing Steel Structures

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  • Saadedin
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    Assessment of Existing Steel Structures


    Both ECCS and the JRC acknowledge the major contribution of Dr.-Ing. Bertram Kühn, PSP – Prof. Sedlacek & Partner – Planung und Entwicklung im Bauwesen GmbH Aachen for the coordination of the works and for the final editing, to which in particular Prof. Haig Gulvanessian, UK, has contributed with substantial improvements. The contribution of the many international experts, who have supported the works by their comments and reviews, as stated in the preface, is also acknowledged.


    The EN Eurocodes are a series of European standards which provide a common series of methods for calculating the mechanical strength of elements playing a structural role in construction works, i.e. the structural construction products. They make it possible to design construction works, to check their stability and to give the necessary dimensions of the structural construction products.

    They are the result of a long procedure of bringing together and harmonizing the different design traditions in the Member States. In the same time, the Member States keep exclusive competence and responsibility for the levels of safety of works.

    According to the Commission Recommendation of 11 December 2003 on the implementation and use of Eurocodes for construction works and structural construction products, the Member States should undertake research to facilitate the integration into the Eurocodes of the latest developments in scientific and technological knowledge. Member States should pool the national funding available for such research so that it can be used at Community level to contribute to the existing technical and scientific resources for research within the European Commission, in cooperation with the Joint Research Centre, thus ensuring an ongoing increased level of protection of buildings and civil works.

  • Kumait
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