Analysis and design of plated structures Volume 1

We have great pleasure in writing the preface for this book on Analysis and
Design of Plated Structures: Stability, the first of the planned set of two
volumes on plated structures. The inspiration for these books comes from the
recognition of the significant advances that have taken place during the last
few decades. As a result of the research findings, our understanding of the
behaviour of thin-walled structural (or plate) elements has increased
considerably. The improved understanding of the complex stability problems,
in turn, has set new trends and caused major changes in the design codes in
North America, Europe and Australia. Even the design philosophy has seen
a major shift from the permissible stress basis to the concept of limit state;
the Specifications concerned with the design of thin-walled structural elements
are based on the vast amount of fundamental research findings. Research
efforts continue in the field of post-elastic, post-buckling, and ultimate ranges
and the benefit to be derived from the research outcomes depends on their
effective implementation. It is necessary to remove the misconception amongst
the designers and practitioners that solutions for stability problems are fraught
with complexities and hence difficult to use in the design office. The objective
of this book is to explain the current analytical methods, and to provide the
theoretical background to the design specifications for plated structures.
Volume 1
Volume 2
Analysis and design of plated structures Volume 2