The 1755 Lisbon Earthquake - Revisited
Editorial Note
The 1755 earthquake and tsunami were influential not only in Portugal but in
all European and North African countries, where its devastating effects were
felt. The entire world was deeply impressed and the discussion of its causes
generated a large amount of scientific and metaphysical speculation. It inspired
philosophers, poets and writers. The socio-economic consequences of the event
were great and affected the future organization and development of Portugal.
The eventuality of a similar occurrence urges society and the scientific
community to reflect on its lessons.
250 years after the 1755 earthquake, the opportunity to put together
scientists, engineers, historians, philosophers, urban planers, architects,
economists and policy makers, provides an integrated view on our global
perception of natural disasters and how must Society deal with them.
In order to invocate this event an international conference - ‘‘250th
Anniversary of the Lisbon Earthquake International Conference’’ – was
organized in Lisbon from 1 to 4 November 2005, devoted to the following