Structural Dynamics and Vibration in Practice

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Structural Dynamics and Vibration in Practice


    This book is primarily intended as an introductory text for newly qualified graduates,

    and experienced engineers from other disciplines, entering the field of structural

    dynamics and vibration, in industry. It should also be found useful by test engineers

    and technicians working in this area, and by those studying the subject in universities,

    although it is not designed to meet the requirements of any particular course of study.

    No previous knowledge of structural dynamics is assumed, but the reader should be

    familiar with the elements of mechanical or structural engineering, and a basic knowledge

    of mathematics is also required. This should include calculus, complex numbers

    and matrices. Topics such as the solution of linear second-order differential equations,

    and eigenvalues and eigenvectors, are explained in the text.

    Each concept is explained in the simplest possible way, and the aim has been to give

    the reader a basic understanding of each topic, so that more specialized texts can be

    tackled with confidence.

    The book is largely based on the author’s experience in the aerospace industry, and

    this will inevitably show. However, most of the material presented is of completely

    general application, and it is hoped that the book will be found useful as an introduction

    to structural dynamics and vibration in all branches of engineering.

    Although the principles behind current computer software are explained, actual

    programs are not provided, or discussed in any detail, since this area is more than

    adequately covered elsewhere. It is assumed that the reader has access to a software

    package such as MATLAB

    A feature of the book is the relatively high proportion of space devoted to worked

    examples. These have been chosen to represent tasks that might be encountered in

    industry. It will be noticed that both SI and traditional ‘British’ units have been used

    in the examples. This is quite deliberate, and is intended to highlight the fact that in

    industry, at least, the changeover to the SI system is far from complete, and it is not

    unknown for young graduates, having used only the SI system, to have to learn the

    obsolete British system when starting out in industry. The author’s view is that, far

    from ignoring systems other than the SI, which is sometimes advocated, engineers

    must understand, and be comfortable with, all systems of units. It is hoped that the

    discussion of the subject presented in Chapter 1 will be useful in this respect.

  • fekhreddine
    Free Membership
    • Dec 2018 

    thank's a lot
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