Structural Dynamics and Probabilistic Analysis for Engineers by Giora Maymon
Most engineers, especially the young ones, rely heavily on modern CAD programs, which make the lives of today's designers much easier than those of previous generations. These programs take care of drawings, tolerances, special views and cross-sections, lists of parts, check and approval procedures, and distribution and archiving of the design files. All these modern CAD pro- grams are capable of performing a basic stress analysis, based on simple finite elements created for the relevant design. Most of them are also capable of computing the resonance frequencies of the designed parts.

In spite of the sophistication of these CAD programs, they cannot perform dynamic analysis of harmonic and random vibrations, responses to transient loading, and structural reliability analysis, based on probabilistic approaches to design. Performing such analyses is a major necessity in the design analysis of practical, real-world structures. Therefore, most of the young engineers avoid dynamic analyses, and almost all of them avoid probabilis-
tic analysis. They usually think that this part of the design should be left for "special experts." Some also create "static equivalent models" for dynamic problems, in order to solve them with their available static tools, so a cor- rect dynamic analysis is avoided. Most of them develop a "fear" of structural dynamics. Almost all never heard of probabilistic structural analysis.
This approach should be avoided if significant improvements in structural design and the safety of structural systems are desired. Most of the struc- tural failures encountered in mechanical and aerospace real designs are the results of dynamic loading and dynamic behavior of the structural elements. Fatigue and crack propagation, response to transient blast loads, and other dynamic characteristics are typical reasons that cause failure in structures of mechanical, civil, and aerospace engineering systems.