Structural Control for Civil and Infrastructure Engineering

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Structural Control for Civil and Infrastructure Engineering


    The purpose of the periodic IASC (International Association of Structural Control) workshops is to provide an in depth update of the progresses accomplished in various regions of the word, in terms of theoretical developments, experimental validations and engineering implementations. This is achieved through the presentation of synthesis lectures and the participation in workgroups discussions. The lectures are open to invited participants selected to provide both a geographical cover and a broad technical spectrum. Active, passive, semi-active or hybrid control as well as non-destructive testing for health monitoring or damage detection will be addressed as well as related questions. The first act of the Association was to organize a restricted meeting, that was held in Honolulu, Hawai, in 1993. In the 1993 Workshop, 9 countries were represented with a total of 55 contributed papers. One year later, the 1st World Conference on Structural Control was held in Los Angeles. Four years after the Honolulu workshop, the 2nd International Workshop on

    Structural Control added the sub-title Next Generation of Intelligent Structures and collected 53 papers. The participants gathered in Hong Kong in December 1996, representing 11 countries. Two years later, in July 1998, the 2nd World Conference on Structural Control was held in Kyoto. On that occasion, the 3rd International Workshop was announced. In particular, three aspects were decided: the IASC Steering Committee, the workshop location and the Chairman of the Organizing Committee.
