Longman English Interactive

Longman English Interactive - Is a 4-level, video-based, integrated skills program that includes over 100 hours of instruction per level. The program provides presentation and practice in grammar, speaking, listening, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading and writing.
Online access anytime, anywhere
Contemporary video with engaging characters presents real language in context
Ongoing student assessment allows teachers and students to monitor progress
Living Grammar dynamically illustrates how grammar works.
Longman English Interactive 1 - Level 1 - Beginner - Level 1 is organized into three five-unit modules. Students learn skills necessary to communicate effectively in real-world situations, including how to:
Make introductions and exchange important information
Describe people, places, and things
Relay news, current events, and discuss life experiences
Make schedules, plan events, and make travel arrangements
Interview effectively.
Longman English Interactive 2 - Level 2 - High Beginner - Level 2 is organized into three five-unit modules. It builds on Level 1 language skills to help learners master important communication strategies. Students engage in interactive activities that present a variety of useful topics, including how to:
Talk about work and other routines
Give advice and provide recommendations
Order items, read directions, use computer hardware and software
Discuss travel and culture
Talk about personal experiences, health, and lifestyle.
Longman English Interactive 3 - Level 3 - Intermediate - Level 3 is organized into three four-unit modules. Course material is based on an exciting video drama involving an aspiring journalist and a sports star accused of accepting a bribe. Students develop real-world communication strategies, including how to:
Make social plans
Respond to news
Propose an idea
Express certainty and uncertainty
Ask follow-up questions
Ask for and give opinions.
Longman English Interactive 4 - Level 3 - High Intermediate - Level 4 is organized into three four-unit modules. It continues the video drama from Level 3 to help students to perfect their language skills. Learners participate in activities related to everyday life and work situations, including how to:
Show skepticism and sarcasm
End a conversation
Identify problems and suggest solutions
Suggest a course of action
Talk about intentions
Give and accept compliments.

Longman English Interactive - Is a 4-level, video-based, integrated skills program that includes over 100 hours of instruction per level. The program provides presentation and practice in grammar, speaking, listening, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading and writing.
Online access anytime, anywhere
Contemporary video with engaging characters presents real language in context
Ongoing student assessment allows teachers and students to monitor progress
Living Grammar dynamically illustrates how grammar works.
Longman English Interactive 1 - Level 1 - Beginner - Level 1 is organized into three five-unit modules. Students learn skills necessary to communicate effectively in real-world situations, including how to:
Make introductions and exchange important information
Describe people, places, and things
Relay news, current events, and discuss life experiences
Make schedules, plan events, and make travel arrangements
Interview effectively.
Longman English Interactive 2 - Level 2 - High Beginner - Level 2 is organized into three five-unit modules. It builds on Level 1 language skills to help learners master important communication strategies. Students engage in interactive activities that present a variety of useful topics, including how to:
Talk about work and other routines
Give advice and provide recommendations
Order items, read directions, use computer hardware and software
Discuss travel and culture
Talk about personal experiences, health, and lifestyle.
Longman English Interactive 3 - Level 3 - Intermediate - Level 3 is organized into three four-unit modules. Course material is based on an exciting video drama involving an aspiring journalist and a sports star accused of accepting a bribe. Students develop real-world communication strategies, including how to:
Make social plans
Respond to news
Propose an idea
Express certainty and uncertainty
Ask follow-up questions
Ask for and give opinions.
Longman English Interactive 4 - Level 3 - High Intermediate - Level 4 is organized into three four-unit modules. It continues the video drama from Level 3 to help students to perfect their language skills. Learners participate in activities related to everyday life and work situations, including how to:
Show skepticism and sarcasm
End a conversation
Identify problems and suggest solutions
Suggest a course of action
Talk about intentions
Give and accept compliments.