External Prestressing in Bridges

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  • Saadedin
    Thread Author
    • Sep 2018 
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    External Prestressing in Bridges

    External prestressing implies the use of unbonded prestressing tendons outside the concrete section of a structural concrete member. Because of the sub-

    stantial economic savings and dramatic increase in rapidity of construction possible with this technol- ogy, it is being increasingly considered in the con-

    struction of new concrete structures, particularly bridges. It is also a primary method for the reha- bilitation and strengthening of existing structures.

    The decision to organize an International Sympo-

    sium on External Prestressing in Bridges was initi-

    ated by John Breen, Antoine Naaman and Michel Virlo-

    geux during the IABSE symposium on Concrete Struc-

    tures for the Future, held in Paris in September 1987. The idea was then discussed with Robert Bruce, then Chairman of ACI-ASCE Committee 423, Prestressed Concrete, and Harold Sandberg, then Chairman of ACI-

    ASCE Committee 343, Concrete Bridges, and received

    their enthusiastic support. A sponsorship request was then submitted to, and received support from mem-

    bers of Committees 343 and 423. The final approval was given by the Technical Activities Committee of ACI. A steering committee was set forth to take care of detailed organizational and scientific aspects of the symposium. It included the above mentioned main

    organizers as well as John Scalzi from the National Science Foundation. Co-sponsorship of the symposium included ACI, NSF, PCI, and PTI. The names of the

    then members of the above mentioned committees and the sponsoring organizations are listed in the fol- lowing pages.
