Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 6th Edition for Android

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  • mustafa335
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    • Dec 2018 
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    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 6th Edition for Android
    الطبعة السادسة من أفضل قاموس لتعلم الانجليزية نسخة الأندرويد
    للأسف الطبعة السادسة ليس لديها نسخة للكمبيوتر ولكن نسخة الجوال هذه بإذن الله تغني عنها
    الطبعة الخامسة للكمبيوتر مرفوعه على المنتدى ولمن يريد الطبعه السادسه يمكنه الدخول الى موقع
    القاموس من هنا * والتسجيل مجانا في القموس اونلاين
    لمدة شهر وبعد انتهاء الشهر يمكن التسجيل بايميل جديد
    ملحوظة: حجم القاموس 33 ميغا ويعمل أوفلاين ولا يحتاج لانترنت الا في حالة كنت تريد نطق الكلمات
    القاموس يحتوي على كل شيء تقريبا حتى أسماء الشخصيات المهمة والمشهوره والمواقع والمدن والبلدان
    وكل ما تود معرفته باللغة الانجليزيه. بالإضافة الى احتوائه على قائمة اكثر 9000 كلمة مستخدمة في اللغة الانجليزيه
    والكلمات المستخدمة في ال Acadamic والكثير من الأيقونات الجديدة والمفيده كما موضح في الصور أدناه:

    وصف القاموس:

    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 6th Edition

    The sixth edition of this best-selling dictionary offers learners the most comprehensive and accurate information with updated content and hundreds of new words. The full-colour, user-friendly design helps users quickly find all the information they need.
    Learners get extra help with grammar and using the correct tenses, and the integrated Thesaurus and Collocations support help them to build their vocabulary for life.
    Unlimited access to extra online learning resources offers the opportunity for lots of extra practice plus the ability to customize the material according to the language learners need to learn.

    230,000 words, phrases and meanings, and 165,000 corpus-based examples – more than any other advanced learner’s dictionary.
    More than 65,000 collocationsand 18,000 synonyms, antonyms and related words to help you write and speak fluently.
    Learn from clear, easy-to-understand definitions written using only 2000 common words.
    The only advanced learner’s dictionary to show the differences between spoken and written English so you always choose the right word.
    Improve your reading and writing proficiency by learning the most common words in English from the new Longman Communication 9000.

    Complete vocabulary and grammar resource

    Learn how words are used in context and which words are commonly used together in the example sentences and collocations boxes.
    Avoid common grammar mistakes with the new grammar boxes and the new grammar guide.
    Expand your vocabulary with the integrated thesaurus.

    What else is NEW?

    NEW Grammar notes help to avoid common grammar mistakes relating to prepositions, grammar, patterns and word order
    NEW 32-page Grammar Guide provides clear and concise information on key grammar topics such as verb tenses, verb patterns and the order of adjectives

    NEWComplete vocabulary and grammar package ONLINE

    Entire Dictionary with pronunciation of all the words and example sentences: 300,000 words, phrases and meanings; 88,000 pronounced examples + 1 million additional corpus examples
    147,000 collocations + 48,000 synonyms, antonyms, and related words
    NEW Longman Vocabulary Checker: find out which type of vocabulary is used in the text you are reading and which words you should learn
    NEW Grammar Centre with video presentations of key grammar points + interactive practice, tests and scores to help measure progress
    Study Centre with thousands of exercises, including exam practice for Cambridge English First, CAE, CPE, IELTS and TOEIC®

    For 30-day FREE online trial on

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