SAP2000 Academic Training
Software Manuals
At present, many programs based on finite element method for FEM automatically calculate various structures available. The engineer could thus ignore the principles of the FEM , it needs only to know how to use computer programs and know the regulations in force. Only, that user would be unable to realize the correction of the results given by the computer.
It is therefore essential that every engineer knows the basics of FEM, and also understand the process of the solution phase. This skill can only be acquired by the analytical study of the concept of FEM and knowledge of technology related to the use of these computational tools.
The training’s goal is the presentation of the fundamentals of automatic calculation of a point of view mainly physical while considering the computer code in its operating efficiency, ie as a tool for the professional uses.

The latter can then taking into account the above considerations, formulate the problem of computing structure and monitor results provided by the computer almost effortless.
SAP 2000 is a software for calculating and designing engineering structures especially adapted to buildings and civil engineering works. In the same environment it allows graphical entry of construction works at a cell library approach allows the behavior of this type of structure. It offers many possibilities for analysis of static and dynamic effects with complements the design and verification of reinforced concrete structures, structural steel. The chart postprocessor available greatly facilitates the interpretation and exploitation of results and formatting calculation notes and explanatory reporting.

Basics of FEM
SAP2000: Description
Modelling Tools
Coordinate Systems
Model Templates
Element Types
Imprort and Export Models
Define Materials
Define Section Properties
Define Loads (Cases and Combinations)
Assign restrains
Assign releases
Assign Pre-stresses
Static Analysis
P-Delta Analysis
Non-Linear Static Analysis
Dynamic Analysis
Model Analysis
Spectral Analysis
Temporal Dynamic Analysis
Stage Construction
Modelling Examples
Inductrial Steel Building with crane
Building for Home and Office use
Basics of FEM
SAP2000: Description
Modelling Tools
Coordinate Systems
Model Templates
Element Types
Imprort and Export Models
Define Materials
Define Section Properties
Define Loads (Cases and Combinations)
Assign restrains
Assign releases
Assign Pre-stresses
Static Analysis
P-Delta Analysis
Non-Linear Static Analysis
Dynamic Analysis
Model Analysis
Spectral Analysis
Temporal Dynamic Analysis
Stage Construction
Modelling Examples
Inductrial Steel Building with crane
Building for Home and Office use