Design and Construction using Insulating Concrete Formwork
1. Introduction
Insulating concrete formwork (ICF) is an innovative modern method of construction,
which combines the inherent strength of concrete with the excellent thermal insulation properties
of polystyrene to produce
cost-effective and durable structures. The polystyrene is used as permanent formwork for
the concrete and is available as either expanded or extruded polystyrene, in a variety
of configurations and a number of proprietary systems. The basic structure is typically
erected by a team of three or four site operatives and filled by pumping a very workable concrete
in storey-height lifts. In addition to providing a strong structure, the concrete provides excellent
sound insulation, fi re resistance and the ability for thermal capacity. Designers appreciate the
basic elegance and simplicity of ICF systems and have been quick to employ them for a
variety of applications. The purpose of this guide is to provide designers
and contractors with a thorough understanding of Insulating Concrete Formwork.