Corrosion of Steel in Concrete - Prevention, Diagnosis, Repair

Preface to the Second Edition
Since this book was first published, durability of reinforced concrete structures has continued to receive worldwide interest of materials scientists and designing engineers. Although some of the open questions raised in the preface of the first edition have found reasonable explanations in the past decade, others are still unanswered and new issues have arisen. For example, the need for sustainability has, on the one hand, increased the demand for durable structures and, on the other hand, promoted the development and use of new materials with lower environmental
impact whose durability properties need to be verified. The increased
demand for maintaining large numbers of existing structures and prolonging their
service life poses technical and economical challenges of a larger scale. At the same time,
increased experience with regard to repair techniques and materials must be incorporated in asset management on the scale of, for example, road networks. Challenges for the next decade are science-based models for the prediction of service life of new and existing structures and reliable accelerated tests that are able to provide durability-related design parameters both for concrete (e.g., with regard to resistance to carbonation or chloride penetration) and for steel (e.g., relating to the chloride threshold for corrosion initiation).