Mathematical Models of Crop Growth and Yield
This book is intended to outline an approach to crop modeling that I have
found to be both mathematically solid and feasible to use in practice. My
strategy is to develop the technical details in a way that offers some insight
into a logical progression from a simple idea toward more complex details.
The reader should sense something of the uncertainty involved in the struggle
to interpret data and compose models for describing empirical results.
My search has been driven by a combination of practical need and intellectual curiosity.

Science can be viewed as the search for: (1) patterns, (2) relationships, (3)
connections, (4) consistency, and (5) beauty. Look for patterns (sometimes
trends) in plots of data. Then search for mathematical relationships that
agree with the patterns. Seek to identify connections between or among
various factors in the analysis. Check for consistency from one data set to
others (different investigators and different conditions). Finally, look for
mathematical beauty (such as symmetry) in the models. The last is usually
the most difficult to achieve and is often ignored.