الاخوة الافاضل
سلام الله عليكم
الشكرو التقدير للرد السريع مع اعطاء اللنك للموضوع الذي طرح سابقا.
هذا الكورس بصدد البحث عنه تكملة للكورس السابق و انا محتاجة اليه.
Big Geospatial Data Analysis with Google Earth Engine
This course provides both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in Big Geospatial Data Analysis with Google Earth Engine. In this course, you will be given hands on practical exercises to master analyzing big geospatial data on the cloud. You will learn to access, process and analyze satellite data including Landsat, MODIS, and Sentinel and others using an open source platform. You will also learn to classify satellite images using machine learning algorithms. You will also have access to the lab exercise
بارك الله فيكم
خالص التحيه والتقدير