FIDES CantileverWall v2012.291

Engineering Applications

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    FIDES CantileverWall v2012

    FIDES-CantileverWall serves the clear calculation of angular cantilever walls with spurs in both sides and any number of consoles. Kinematic Element Mechanisms will be generated automatically in order to calculate the static parameters. In this way the program can take into account correctly concentrated loads, line loads and area loads as well as any number of slopes for example for the determination of the Earth Pressure. The results are displayed in a compact form directly within the side view of the wall in order to assure a maximum degree of transparency.

    All necessary calculations and verifications will be performed like: earth pressure, ground bearing capacity, tilting, sole pressure, sliding, settlement, ground failure, and sole canting. All geotechnical verifications can be per-formed according to a global or a partial safety concept (DIN 1054 (2003), SIA or with freely definable coeffi-cients). The dimensioning can be carried out selectively according to the design codes EC2, DIN 1045, DIN1045-1, SIA-262 or ?NORM B4700.

    Graphical User Interface

    Object oriented graphical user interface
    CAD Input functionality
    Any number of polygonal bordered soil layers. A data base with material characteristics for a large number of soil types is included. This data base is common for all FIDES geotechnics modules and can be extended by the user
    Import and Export functions for the data exchange with other FIDES-geotechnic programs
    Detailed online help with thorough explanation of the computation method

    FIDES CantileverWall v2012.291 -- 33 Mb

