Incheon Bridge (Korea) PDF
Incheon Bridge, 18.4 km long sea-crossing bridge, will be opened to the traffic in October 2009 and this will be the new landmark of the gearing up north-east Asia as well as the largest & longest bridge in Korea. Incheon Bridge is constituted of severol special featured bridges including a magnificent cable-stayed bridge which has a main span of BOO m to cross the main navigation channel of the Incheon Port. Incheon Bridge is the first trial to apply AASHTO LRFD (load & resistance factor deSign) to both the superstructures and the substructures in Korea. Various experiences of advanced design and construction method from the Inch eon Bridge project have been propagated by relevant engineers and it is strongly expected that significant achievements in bridge engineering through this project will contribute to the national development ofthe long-span bridge technologies remarkably
