Python For ArcGIS

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Python For ArcGIS

    This book introduces Python scripting for geographic information science (GIS) workflow optimization using ArcGIS. It builds essential programming skills for automating GIS analysis. Over 200 sample Python scripts and 175 classroom-tested exercises reinforce the learning objectives. Readers will learn to: - Write and run Python in the ArcGIS Python Window, the PythonWin IDE, and the PyScripter IDE - Work with Python syntax and data types - Call ArcToolbox tools, batch process GIS datasets, and manipulate map documents using the arcpy package - Read and modify proprietary and ASCII text GIS data - Parse HTML web pages and KML datasets - Create Web pages and fetch GIS data from Web sources. - Build user-interfaces with the native Python file dialog toolkit or the ArcGIS Script tools and PyToolboxes Python for ArcGIS is designed as a primary textbook for advanced-level students in GIS. Researchers, government specialists and professionals working in GIS will also find this book useful as a reference

    Year: 2016

    Author: Laura Tateossian

    Genre and themes: Programming

    Publisher: Springer

    ISBN: 978-3319183978

    English language

    Format: PDF

    Quality: Publishing layout or text (eBook)

    Interactive contents: Yes

    Number of pages: 556

    1 Introduction ......... 1
    2 Beginning Python ...... 13
    3 Basic Data Types: Numbers and Strings ...... 37
    4 Basic Data Types: Lists and Tuples ............... 59
    5 ArcGIS and Python . 77
    6 Calling Tools with Arcpy .......... 95
    7 Getting User Input ....... 119
    8 Controlling Flow ....... 133
    9 Decision-Making and Describing Data ......... 141
    10 Repetition: Looping for Geoprocessing ........ 171
    11 Batch Geoprocessing ............... 187
    12 Additional Looping Functions ......... 209
    13 Debugging ............ 223
    14 Error Handling .... 241
    15 User-Defined Functions ...... 261
    16 User-Defined Modules ............ 291
    17 Reading and Writing with Cursors ........ 309
    18 Dictionaries .......... 335
    19 Reading and Writing Text Files ............ 357
    20 Working with HTML and KML ............ 385
    21 Classes .................. 415
    22 User Interfaces for File and Folder Selection .......... 435
    23 ArcGIS Python GUIs ........... 449
    24 Mapping Module . 505
    Index ........... 531


