Delcam Training Courses (ArtCAM, PowerMILL, PowerSHAPE, PMPost, DUCTpost) 1994-2014, PDF, ENG
Year: 1994-2014
Author: Delcam plc
Genre: teaching literature
Language: English
Format: PDF
Quality: initially computer - eBook
Description: Training courses for by Delcam's ArtCAM, PowerMILL, PowerSHAPE, PMPost and DUCTpost
Torrent updated January 3, 2015
Christmas update courses from Delcam
Collected many rare and exclusive materials that you will not find anywhere else
List of changes
Removed the full English version of the course on ARTKOM 9.0
Training Courses ArtCAM Insignia 2008 and 2010
Training Courses ArtCAM JewelSmith 2009 and 2010
Training courses in ArtCAM Pro 2008, 2009 and 2010,
Training courses on Delcam Designer 7.0 and 7.3
Added a couple of files documentation ARTKOM 2013 - GettingStarted and WhatsNew
Combine 2 files for daktpostu the Russian one by inserting a small file in parts corresponding to split a large file
also made a nice title page, table of contents and change the appearance of style Delcam
Connect the 2 files in one (3-axis and 5-axis), made a beautiful title page, table of contents made and designed in the style of Delcam
I converted a HTML Help of the latest version of daktposta (1.5.25) in pdf format. The English version, but complete
Converted a CHM help for postprocessor 2014 PDF format. Full English version
Added 5 instructional videos on Delcam postprocessor. Video Format - WRF. Video included
Replace part-time training course in PowerMILL 2011 to the full version.
Training PowerMILL Modelling 8.0. For those who want to expand their knowledge of modeling in povermill using poversheyp
Training PowerMILL 2010 and Whats New PowerMILL 2010
PowerMILL 2011 Whats New
PowerMILL 2012 Delcam Electrode - the creation of electrodes in the medium povermill
PowerMILL 2012 PowerMILL Modelling - short course
By adding PowerMILL 2012 Getting Started, Whats New and Macro Programming Guide - before there were files for the 2012 R2 version
Also added to 2014 and 2015 versions povermilla Getting Started, Whats New and Macro Programming Guide
At 5-axis machining added
PowerMILL 10.0 Five Axis Training Course
PowerMILL 2010 FiveAxis Training Course
PowerMILL 2011 FiveAxis Training Course
These 5-axis course more complete than the one that could be used to find on the Internet
Under PowerSHAPE PowerSHAPE found only 2011 What's Ne
Also, I add a folder Training Data
Inside - additional material for training courses - models, projects, models of machines, etc
Projects by povermilla for 3- and 5-axis course had to compress the archive - they did not want to be added to the torrent
Probably because of - what is inside a very long file names
Archives made archiver 7z, and to open them you need the latest version of any of the archiver
Extras. Info: All courses have been found on the Internet, selected more complete, everything is translated to PDF
Language: English

Author: Delcam plc
Genre: teaching literature
Language: English
Format: PDF
Quality: initially computer - eBook
Description: Training courses for by Delcam's ArtCAM, PowerMILL, PowerSHAPE, PMPost and DUCTpost
Torrent updated January 3, 2015
Christmas update courses from Delcam
Collected many rare and exclusive materials that you will not find anywhere else
List of changes
Removed the full English version of the course on ARTKOM 9.0
Training Courses ArtCAM Insignia 2008 and 2010
Training Courses ArtCAM JewelSmith 2009 and 2010
Training courses in ArtCAM Pro 2008, 2009 and 2010,
Training courses on Delcam Designer 7.0 and 7.3
Added a couple of files documentation ARTKOM 2013 - GettingStarted and WhatsNew
Combine 2 files for daktpostu the Russian one by inserting a small file in parts corresponding to split a large file
also made a nice title page, table of contents and change the appearance of style Delcam
Connect the 2 files in one (3-axis and 5-axis), made a beautiful title page, table of contents made and designed in the style of Delcam
I converted a HTML Help of the latest version of daktposta (1.5.25) in pdf format. The English version, but complete
Converted a CHM help for postprocessor 2014 PDF format. Full English version
Added 5 instructional videos on Delcam postprocessor. Video Format - WRF. Video included
Replace part-time training course in PowerMILL 2011 to the full version.
Training PowerMILL Modelling 8.0. For those who want to expand their knowledge of modeling in povermill using poversheyp
Training PowerMILL 2010 and Whats New PowerMILL 2010
PowerMILL 2011 Whats New
PowerMILL 2012 Delcam Electrode - the creation of electrodes in the medium povermill
PowerMILL 2012 PowerMILL Modelling - short course
By adding PowerMILL 2012 Getting Started, Whats New and Macro Programming Guide - before there were files for the 2012 R2 version
Also added to 2014 and 2015 versions povermilla Getting Started, Whats New and Macro Programming Guide
At 5-axis machining added
PowerMILL 10.0 Five Axis Training Course
PowerMILL 2010 FiveAxis Training Course
PowerMILL 2011 FiveAxis Training Course
These 5-axis course more complete than the one that could be used to find on the Internet
Under PowerSHAPE PowerSHAPE found only 2011 What's Ne
Also, I add a folder Training Data
Inside - additional material for training courses - models, projects, models of machines, etc
Projects by povermilla for 3- and 5-axis course had to compress the archive - they did not want to be added to the torrent
Probably because of - what is inside a very long file names
Archives made archiver 7z, and to open them you need the latest version of any of the archiver
Extras. Info: All courses have been found on the Internet, selected more complete, everything is translated to PDF
Language: English
