Manual for Design and Detailings of Reinforced Concrete to Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete
1.1 Promulgation of the Revised Code A revised concrete code titled “Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete 2004” was formally promulgated by the Buildings Department of Hong Kong in late 2004 which serves to supersede the former concrete code titled “The Structural Use of Concrete 1987”. The revised Code, referred to as “the Code” hereafter in this Manual will become mandatory by 15 December 2006, after expiry of the grace period in which both the revised and old codes can be used.

1.0 Introduction
Main features of the Code
As in contrast with the former code which is based on “working stress” design concept, the drafting of the Code is largely based on the British Standard BS8110 1997 adopting the limit state design approach. Nevertheless, the following features of the Code in relation to design as different from BS8110 are outlined :
(a) Provisions of concrete strength up to grade 100 are included; (b) Stress strain relationship of concrete is different from that of BS8110
for various concrete grades as per previous tests on local concrete; (c) Maximum design shear stresses of concrete (
v ) are raised; (d) Provisions of r.c. detailings to enhance ductility are added, together max
with the requirements of design in beam-column joints (Sections 9.9 and 6.8 respectively);
(e) Criteria for dynamic analysis for tall building under wind loads are added (Clause 7.3.2).