Offshore Structures - Analysis and Design

1.1 General
One of the greatest discovery of 20th century was oil and it has so many applications that
it cannot be separated from mankind. The oil exploration has started as early as 1900 and
the oil exploration initially was concentrated on on land. As the need for oil expands in an
explosive rate, need for ¯nd new discoveries was eminent. During the middle of 20th century,
oil discovery started in near shore and medium range of water depth.
The need for quali¯ed o®shore structural personnel are rapidly increasing as the oil industry
moves into deeper water in the search for additional supplies of oil and gas, new technology
is emerging at a rapid peace for the development of new concepts for o®shore platforms.
This book gives brief introduction to o®shore engineering with basic concepts of various
types of o®shore structures and provide insight into various design issues and requirements,
fabrication and installation techniques.
Chapter 1 gives introduction in to types of o®shore platforms based on water depth requirements,
geometry and installation concepts.
Chapter 2 gives some introduction to design methodology, and various design stages in a
o®shore development project.
Chapter 3 gives basic loads applied on o®shore structures and techniques of calculations of
such loading.
Chapter 4 gives introduction to material requirement for o®shore structures including corrosion.

1.1 General
One of the greatest discovery of 20th century was oil and it has so many applications that
it cannot be separated from mankind. The oil exploration has started as early as 1900 and
the oil exploration initially was concentrated on on land. As the need for oil expands in an
explosive rate, need for ¯nd new discoveries was eminent. During the middle of 20th century,
oil discovery started in near shore and medium range of water depth.
The need for quali¯ed o®shore structural personnel are rapidly increasing as the oil industry
moves into deeper water in the search for additional supplies of oil and gas, new technology
is emerging at a rapid peace for the development of new concepts for o®shore platforms.
This book gives brief introduction to o®shore engineering with basic concepts of various
types of o®shore structures and provide insight into various design issues and requirements,
fabrication and installation techniques.
Chapter 1 gives introduction in to types of o®shore platforms based on water depth requirements,
geometry and installation concepts.
Chapter 2 gives some introduction to design methodology, and various design stages in a
o®shore development project.
Chapter 3 gives basic loads applied on o®shore structures and techniques of calculations of
such loading.
Chapter 4 gives introduction to material requirement for o®shore structures including corrosion.