Numerical Modeling and Ecperimental Investigation of the Local Hydrology of a Porus Concrete Site
Numerical Modeling and Experimental Investigation of the Local Hydrology of a Porous
Concrete Site
Christina Syrrakou and George Pinder
Project Collaborators: Jennifer Fitch, Thomas Eliassen, William Ahearn
Project funded by the Vermont Agency of Transportation and UVM Transportation Research Center
October, 2011
University of Vermont College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Department of Civil and Environmental and Engineering
This project was funded by the Vermont Agency of Transportation (Vtrans) and the UVM
Transportation Research Center (UVM TRC). The authors would like to acknowledge Dr.
Dewoolkar and his students: Mark Suozzo, Ian Anderson, Lalita Oka and Jaron Borg for
their help during the eld visits and in the lab. In addition, we acknowledge Dylan Burns
for providing the equipment for the evaporation experiments and Floyd Vilmont for his help
in manufacturing the water-retention cells and overall input in the mechanical issues of this
project. Finally, the authors wish to thank Vtrans and especially Jenier Fitch, Jason
Trembley, Philip Dessureau, Thomas Eliassen and William Ahearn for providing data and
their valuable cooperation through the course of this project.