Mechanics of Structures Variational and Computational Methods

Preface to the First Edition
The development of the digital computer has led to substantive changes in computational
structural mechanics and in the corresponding methods of analysis. The finite element
method has been developed and refined to such a level that it is now a standard academic
offering. It is, perhaps, time to reflect on the conventional approach for presenting modern
structural mechanics, including the fundamentals and even the nomenclature. This book
is the authors’ response to this need. We believe that the approach presented here will
make the well-established teaching patterns of structural mechanics more rational. This
book is directed towards the courses that are typically labeled as fundamentals of finite
elements: advanced strength of materials; matrix structural analysis; computational solid
mechanics; variational methods of mechanics; and rods, plates, and shells. As a minimum,
prerequisites for understanding this material are statics and strength of materials. Courses
in structural analysis, calculus of variations, and linear algebra are helpful but not required.
Students with more complete backgrounds can proceed more rapidly. In the United States,
this material is used in senior and introductory graduate courses for students of civil,
mechanical, and aerospace engineering.