Masonry Structural Design
Table 2.1: Classifi cation of Masonry Units (p. 10)
Table 2.2: Approximate Proportion Requirements for Cement-Lime Mortar (p. 19)
Table 2.3: Property Requirements for Cement-Lime Mortar (p. 20)
Table 2.4: Approximate Proportion Requirements for Masonry-Cement Mortar (p. 21)
Table 2.5: Property Requirements for Masonry-Cement Mortar (p. 21)
Table 2.6 : Approximate Proportion Requirements for Mortar-Cement Mortar (p. 22)
Table 2.7: Property Requirements for Mortar-Cement Mortar (p. 22)
Table 2.8: Proportion Requirements for Grout for Masonry (p. 26)
Table 2.9: Summary of ASTM Requirements for Clay Masonry Units (p. 34)
Table 3.1: Minimum Live Loads (L) for Floors (p. 65)
Table 3.2: Table 1607.9.1 Live Load Element Factor, K
(p. 66)
Table 3.3: Conversion of Wind Speeds from 3-s Gust to Fastest Mile (p. 70)
Table 3.4: Wind Directionality Factor, K
(p. 70)
Table 3.5: Velocity Pressure Exposure Coeffi cients, K
and K
(p. 71)
Table 3.6: Velocity Pressure Coeffi cients for Building of Sec 3.4.2 (p. 80)
Table 3.7: Spreadsheet for Wind Forces, Sec. 3.4.2 (p. 84)
Table 3.8: Velocity Pressure Exposure Coeffi cients for Building of Sec. 3.4.3 (p. 85)
Table 3.9: Spreadsheet for Components and Cladding Pressures, Windward Side of
Sec. 3.4.2 (p. 86)
Table 3.10: Spreadsheet for Components and Cladding Pressures, Leeward Side of
Sec. 3.4.2 (p. 87)
Table 3-11: Table 20.3-1 Site Classifi cation (p. 97)
Table 3.12: Table 11.4-1 Site Classifi cation (p. 97)
Table 3.13: Table 11.4-2 Site Classifi cation, F
(p. 98)
Table 3.14: Table 11.5-1 Importance Factors (p. 101)
Table 3.15: Table 11.6-1 Seismic Design Category Based on Short Period Response
Acceleration Parameter (p. 101)
Table 3.16: Table 11.6-2 Seismic Design Category Based on 1-s Period Response
Acceleration Parameter (p. 102)
Table 3.17: Strength-Reduction Factors (p. 106)
Table 3.18: Summary of Steps for Strength Design of Unreinforced Panel Walls (p. 106)
Table 3.19: Summary of Steps for Strength Design of Unreinforced Bearing Walls (p. 107)