Excel Spreadsheets Finance Management Accounting Analysis

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    Excel Spreadsheets Finance Management Accounting Analysis

    Spreadsheet Uses

    Spreadsheets today contain built-in analytical capabilities previously unavailable in

    a single package. Users often had to learn a variety of specialized software

    packages to do any relatively complex analysis. With the newest versions of

    Microsoft Excel, users can perform tasks ranging from the routine maintenance of

    financial statements to multivariate regression analysis to Monte Carlo simulations

    of various hedging strategies.

    It is literally impossible to enumerate all of the possible applications for

    spreadsheets. You should keep in mind that spreadsheets are useful not only for

    financial analysis, but for any type of quantitative analysis whether your specialty

    is in marketing, management, engineering, statistics, or economics. For that matter,

    a spreadsheet can also prove valuable for personal uses. With Excel it is a fairly

    simple matter to build a spreadsheet to monitor your investment portfolio, do

    retirement planning, experiment with various mortgage options when buying a

    house, keep a mailing list, etc. The possibilities are quite literally endless. The

    more comfortable you become with the spreadsheet, the more valuable uses you

    will find. Above all, feel free to experiment! Try new things. Using a spreadsheet

    can help you find solutions that you never would have imagined on your own.



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