Getting Started with ArcGIS
Welcome to Getting Started with ArcGIS. This book is intended to help you
get started using ESRI
ArcGIS™ software and to illustrate the methods
and procedures involved in conducting a geographic information system
(GIS) project. If you are new to GIS, this book is a great place to start—you
can learn how to use a GIS to solve problems while you are learning to use

This book is divided into two sections. The first section, ‘Getting to Know
ArcGIS’, teaches you the basics of ArcGIS and GIS data. The second
section, ‘Conducting a GIS Project’, begins with Chapter 4, ‘Planning a
GIS project’, and is a sample GIS project that you can work through. The
project is designed to let you work at your own pace, without the need of
additional help. Readers who wish to complete the entire GIS project
section of the book should plan to spend about eight hours of focused time
on the project.
In order to get started, you will need ArcGIS installed on a Windows
machine. You will also need to install the ArcTutor tutorial data on your
machine or on a networked drive. Proceed to Chapter 1, ‘Welcome to
ArcGIS’, when you are ready to get started.
Welcome to Getting Started with ArcGIS. This book is intended to help you
get started using ESRI
ArcGIS™ software and to illustrate the methods
and procedures involved in conducting a geographic information system
(GIS) project. If you are new to GIS, this book is a great place to start—you
can learn how to use a GIS to solve problems while you are learning to use

Introduction 3 1 Welcome to ArcGIS 5 What can you do with ArcGIS? 6 Unique projects to daily business 9 Tasks you perform with ArcGIS 11 Tips on learning ArcGIS 16 2 Exploring ArcCatalog and ArcMap 17 Introducing ArcCatalog 18 Viewing data in ArcCatalog 19 Connecting to your data 20 Introducing ArcMap 23 Working with maps 24 Exploring a map 25 Adding a layer to a map 28 Adding features from a database 29 Changing the way features are drawn 30 Adding labels to a map 33 Working with the map layout 35 Saving a map 41 Printing a map 42 Whats next? 43 3 Exploring GIS data 45 Geographic data models 46 Formats of feature data 50
This book is divided into two sections. The first section, ‘Getting to Know
ArcGIS’, teaches you the basics of ArcGIS and GIS data. The second
section, ‘Conducting a GIS Project’, begins with Chapter 4, ‘Planning a
GIS project’, and is a sample GIS project that you can work through. The
project is designed to let you work at your own pace, without the need of
additional help. Readers who wish to complete the entire GIS project
section of the book should plan to spend about eight hours of focused time
on the project.
In order to get started, you will need ArcGIS installed on a Windows
machine. You will also need to install the ArcTutor tutorial data on your
machine or on a networked drive. Proceed to Chapter 1, ‘Welcome to
ArcGIS’, when you are ready to get started.