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Other Macmillan titles of in terest to civi l engineers
Hulse/ Mosley Reinforced Concrete Design by Computer
Bolt on Guide to Soil Mechanics
Boxer Work Out Fluid Mechanics
1ackson/ Dhir Civil Engineering Materials, 4th edition
John Work Out Engineering MateriLJls

Newton Stntctural Design
Salter hway Design and Consln/clion, 2nd edition
Salter Highway Traffic AlIlllysis and Design, 2nd edition
Seeley Civil Engineering Contract Administration alld COllfrol
Seeley Civil Engineering Quantities
Seeley Civil Engineering Specification.
Spencer FumliJmental Stntctural Analysis
Stone Management of Engineering Projects
Uren/Price Surveying or Engineers, 2nd edi tion
Wilson Engineering Hydrology, 4t h edition