Autodesk Advance Steel Training
This document contains a brief description of the software functions and is not a replacement for the training program. This guide includes information
about all the modules, including those that are optional. For detailed
information regarding the program's functions, refer to the help provided in Advance Steel.
In case of any discrepancy between the information given in this guide and the information given in the software, the software is the most up to date source.
The content of this guide is subject to change without notice. Any reproduction
or distribution, even in partial, by any means
electronically or mechanically - of the contents of the present guide and other supplied documentation is strictly forbidden if made without Autodesk's explicit authorization.
All rights reserved. Windows and the Windows logo are trademarks of the Microsoft Group of
DXF™ and AutoCAD® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Auto-
Desk Inc. San Rafael, CA. All the other marks belong to their owners.
This document contains a brief description of the software functions and is not a replacement for the training program. This guide includes information
about all the modules, including those that are optional. For detailed
information regarding the program's functions, refer to the help provided in Advance Steel.
In case of any discrepancy between the information given in this guide and the information given in the software, the software is the most up to date source.
The content of this guide is subject to change without notice. Any reproduction
or distribution, even in partial, by any means
electronically or mechanically - of the contents of the present guide and other supplied documentation is strictly forbidden if made without Autodesk's explicit authorization.
All rights reserved. Windows and the Windows logo are trademarks of the Microsoft Group of
DXF™ and AutoCAD® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Auto-
Desk Inc. San Rafael, CA. All the other marks belong to their owners.