إخوانى الأفاضل - أقدم لكم اليوم [[ كيفية حذف "ويندوز لوجين" بواسطة أوبونتو لايف سيدى أو يو إس بى ]]
How To Reset Windows Login Password With Ubuntu Linux Live CD
Ubuntu Live CD method
Stage 1: Create Password Reset Disk
1 - download Live Ubuntu ISO -- from the official website
2 - burn the ISO file to a USB drive or a DVD/CD
use a free ISO burning software like
ISO2Disc v.1.8
Stage 2: Reset Windows Login Password
1 - Boot with Live Ubuntu CD or USB
Hit Try Ubuntu
2 - System settings >> Software & Updates >> Community-maintained free and open-source software.” >>
OK then click on Close >> Reload your repository >> OK
3 - Open a terminal & input command line
"sudo apt-get install chntpw" >> hit Enter
4 - Browse for this directory
There on any blank space >> Rt Click
Choose "Open in Terminal"
On the command line >> enter >> "chntpw -u user_name SAM"
Replace the user_name string with
"Username" of the locked account >> Some Options >> Type in the numeral 1 >> hit Enter
This will "Remove the password"
Enter the letter "q" >> hit Enter again
Then enter the letter "y" >> hit Enter again to confirm the changes
5 - Remove the Ubuntu disk >> reboot your computer
No longer need to enter a password >> To access the user or admin account
& Enjoy your work