Spreadsheets for Concrete Design BS 8110 and EC2
The ideas and illustrations come from many sources. The help and guidance received from many individuals are gratefully

Thanks are due to members of the project’s Advisory Group for their time and effort in helping to make the project feasible
and in bringing it to fruition. The members of the Advisory Group are listed inside the back cover.
The RCC extends its special appreciation to:
Richard Cheng, BSc, CEng, Eur Ing, FIStructE, author of the retaining wall and basement wall spreadsheets, Peter Noble for
conversions and checking, and to Andy Pullen for initial studies into compatibility of spreadsheet software. Also to the late
Sami Khan for help with post-tensioning spreadsheets. Thanks also to Alan Tovey (Tecnicom) and Gillian Bond (Words &
Pages) for editing, design and production.