Residual Stress Effects on Fatigue and Fracture Testing and Incorporation of Results Into Design
This book represents the research of several authors presented at the Symposium on Residual Stress
Effects on Fatigue and Fracture Testing and Incorporation of Results into Design held in Salt Lake
City, Utah, May 19-20, 2004. This symposium brought together researchers, practitioners of residual
stress measurement techniques, structural analysts, and designers specializing in the influence of
residual stress on fatigue and fracture. The intent of the symposium was to foster continued dialogue
between these groups and thereby provide each with an understanding of the state of knowledge concerning
residual stresses and their effect on structural integrity. Residual stresses can be present due
to processing and manufacturing of materials and structures, so it is imperative to understand how and
why they can influence the test data that we used in structural design methodologies. Residual
stresses may also be intentionally engineered into structures in attempts to improve fatigue life, and
it is equally important that designers understand how to account for these potential effects on fatigue life.
