Residential Cellular Concrete Buildings
A cknowledgements
The authors would lik e to acknowledge the input, comments and advice fr om the following people:
Mik e Br own Pr ecast C ellular Structur es Limited
Hussein Chatur Outinor d International Limited
P eter Dunnion Malling Pr oducts Limited
Kim Elliott The Univ ersity of Nottingham
Graham Har dwick John Do yle C onstruction Limited
P eter K ell y Bison C oncr ete Pr oducts Limited
Andr ew Sims Outinor d International Limited
R o y Spur geon Bell and W ebster C oncr ete Limited
Geor ge T ootell PCE Limited
R od W ebster C o ncr ete Inno vation and Design
