السلام عليكم
Structural Design of Building

Structural Design of Building

All reinforced concrete structures will be designed by the ultimate strength method, as defined in ACI , except for all sanitary engineering structures which will be designed by working stress design method as recommended by ACI Committee 350. Steel structures will be designed by the working stress method, in accordance with AISC manual of steel construction (ASD).
Applicable Computer Software
Structural design and analysis will be created by the following computer
ETABS Structural analysis and design program.
SAFE Raft & Flat Plate analysis and design program.
Sap 2000 Structural analysis and design program.
Staad pro Structural analysis and design program.
PCA COL Design of Concrete columns.
Excel Sheets Home Made Structural Sheets .
Design Codes
Structural design and analysis will be in accordance with the following Codes and Standards:
Package Includes,
Structural Design report
Structural drawing
Computer model (ETABS etc..)
25MBStructural design and analysis will be created by the following computer
ETABS Structural analysis and design program.
SAFE Raft & Flat Plate analysis and design program.
Sap 2000 Structural analysis and design program.
Staad pro Structural analysis and design program.
PCA COL Design of Concrete columns.
Excel Sheets Home Made Structural Sheets .
Design Codes
Structural design and analysis will be in accordance with the following Codes and Standards:
ACI - American Concrete Institute
SBC - Sauidi Building Code
AISC - American Institute of Steel Construction
ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
AWS - American Welding Society
CRSI - Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
PCA - Portland Cement Association
PCI - Pre-Cast Concrete Institute
SASO - Saudi Arabian Standard Organization
SDI - Steel Deck Institute
SJI - Steel Joist Institute
IBC - International Building Code
SBC - Saudi Building Code
SBC - Sauidi Building Code
AISC - American Institute of Steel Construction
ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
AWS - American Welding Society
CRSI - Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
PCA - Portland Cement Association
PCI - Pre-Cast Concrete Institute
SASO - Saudi Arabian Standard Organization
SDI - Steel Deck Institute
SJI - Steel Joist Institute
IBC - International Building Code
SBC - Saudi Building Code
Package Includes,
Structural Design report
Structural drawing
Computer model (ETABS etc..)