Storage tanks for poly glycole fluids

File Name: Storage tanks for poly glycole fluids
Description: Tankfarm for water contaminant poly glycole fluids used for aircraft wing and fuselage deicing at a German Airport. Total poly glycole storage capacity 9 x 30;000 liter at different temperatures; and 2 x 30;000 liter of hot water. The faciliy incorporates all relevant piping and plumbing systems
Category: Autocad Drawing / Projects / Shops - stores
File extension: DWG
Type: Premium

File Name: Storage tanks for poly glycole fluids
Description: Tankfarm for water contaminant poly glycole fluids used for aircraft wing and fuselage deicing at a German Airport. Total poly glycole storage capacity 9 x 30;000 liter at different temperatures; and 2 x 30;000 liter of hot water. The faciliy incorporates all relevant piping and plumbing systems
Category: Autocad Drawing / Projects / Shops - stores
File extension: DWG
Type: Premium