Steel Joist Design

Engineering Excel Spreadsheets & Templates

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    السلام عليكم

    Engineering Spreadsheet, Software

    Steel Joist Design

    This is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of steel joists considered as simple-span beams subjected to virtually any type of loading configuration. Specifically, beam end reactions as well as the maximum moments and deflections are calculated. Plots of both the shear and moment diagrams are produced, as well as a tabulation of the shear, moment, slope, and deflection for the joist span. There are two

    worksheets for selecting K-series and LH-series joists, and 2 worksheets which are the SJI Standard Load Tables. This program is a workbook consisting of eight (8) worksheets, described as follows:

    Worksheet Name Description

    General Joist Analysis – General standard joist analysis for steel joists for non-standard loads

    K-Joist Analysis Analysis – for typical, standard loaded, open-web K-series steel joists

    K-Joist Table – Standard (SJI) load table for open-web K-series steel joists

    KCS-Joist Analysis - Analysis for non-standard loaded, open-web KCS-series steel joists

    KCS-Joist Table - Load table for open-web KCS-series steel joists

    LH-Joist Analysis – Analysis for typical, standard loaded, longspan LH-series steel joists

    LH-Joist Table – Standard (SJI) load table for longspan LH-series steel joists


