Two-Way Slab Design to BS 8110
This spreadsheet performs an analysis and design of two-way spanning reinforced concrete slab. It can be used by both practicing Engineers and students. Main features of the spreadsheet 1. nice user-friendly interface 2. input cells automatically cross out invalid data 3. automatic generation of a step by step design calculation.FOREWORD
This spreadsheet performs an analysis and design of two-way spanning reinforced concrete slab. Design is in accordance with BS 8110-1:1997. Bending moments coefficiens have been taking from the BS code. The equations for the analysis have been obtained from the Reinforced Concrete Designer’s Handbook by Reynolds and Steedman. Self weight of the Slab is calculated automatically and included in the calculations.

This spreadsheet has been formatted using Arial, Symbol and Callibri truetype fonts. The spreadsheet has been optimised for a screen resolution of 1024×768 HiColor (16 bit) using large fonts.
Use the Zoom button on the toolbar to reduce or enlarge the display to suit your computer. Use the Save button to permanently store your new settings. Recommended zoom settings are as follows:
Screen resolution 800×600 with large fonts:67%
Screen resolution 800×600 with small fonts:85%
Screen resolution 1024×768 with large fonts:85%
Screen resolution 1024×768 with small fonts:105%
Company Details
Enter your company name and other details in the title block on the Slab Design sheet only. The details will be automatically copied to the other sheets. Company details cannot be entered in the other sheets directly.
Microsoft Excel
This spreadsheet has been developed for use in Microsoft Excel 2007 on the Microsoft Windows XP operating system.
British Standard Specification (BSI)
This spreadsheet has been developed to comply with BS 8110 : Part 1 : 1997
Additional Information
You need to enable Macro for it to work
The Workbook is protected (but with no password) to prevent accidental changing of formulas. You can unprotect it if you wish. Just click the review tab and then click “Unprotect Sheet” (for Excel 2007)
Calculation Reference
Reinforced Concrete Design, BS 8110
This spreadsheet performs an analysis and design of two-way spanning reinforced concrete slab. Design is in accordance with BS 8110-1:1997. Bending moments coefficiens have been taking from the BS code. The equations for the analysis have been obtained from the Reinforced Concrete Designer’s Handbook by Reynolds and Steedman. Self weight of the Slab is calculated automatically and included in the calculations.

This spreadsheet has been formatted using Arial, Symbol and Callibri truetype fonts. The spreadsheet has been optimised for a screen resolution of 1024×768 HiColor (16 bit) using large fonts.
Use the Zoom button on the toolbar to reduce or enlarge the display to suit your computer. Use the Save button to permanently store your new settings. Recommended zoom settings are as follows:
Screen resolution 800×600 with large fonts:67%
Screen resolution 800×600 with small fonts:85%
Screen resolution 1024×768 with large fonts:85%
Screen resolution 1024×768 with small fonts:105%
Company Details
Enter your company name and other details in the title block on the Slab Design sheet only. The details will be automatically copied to the other sheets. Company details cannot be entered in the other sheets directly.
Microsoft Excel
This spreadsheet has been developed for use in Microsoft Excel 2007 on the Microsoft Windows XP operating system.
British Standard Specification (BSI)
This spreadsheet has been developed to comply with BS 8110 : Part 1 : 1997
Additional Information
You need to enable Macro for it to work
The Workbook is protected (but with no password) to prevent accidental changing of formulas. You can unprotect it if you wish. Just click the review tab and then click “Unprotect Sheet” (for Excel 2007)
Calculation Reference
Reinforced Concrete Design, BS 8110