Concrete Beam Design Spreadsheet

Engineering Excel Spreadsheets & Templates

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    Concrete Beam Design Spreadsheet

    Concrete Beam Design Spreadsheet

    Concrete Beam Design Spreadsheet is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis/design of rectangular beam or column sections. Specifically, the required flexural reinforcing, ultimate moment capacity, bar spacing for crack control, moments of inertia for deflection, beam shear and torsion requirements, and member capacity for flexure (uniaxial and biaxial) with axial load are calculated. There is also a worksheet which contains reinforcing bar data tables.


    Beam flexure, shear, crack control, and inertia

    Flexural reinforcing for singly or doubly reinforced beams/sections

    Ultimate moment capacity of singly or doubly reinforced beams/sections

    Crack control – distribution of flexural reinforcing

    Beam or one-way type shear

    Beam torsion and shear

    Moments of inertia of singly or doubly reinforced beams/sections

    Combined uniaxial flexure and axial load

    Combined biaxial flexure and axial load

    Reinforcing bar data tables