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Engineering Excel Spreadsheets & Templates

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  • Saadedin
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    Premium Civil Engineering Spreadsheet Library

    A spreadsheet is a computer application that simulates a paper worksheet where becoming increasingly popular in solving engineering related problems.

    Among the strong features of spreadsheets are their instinctive cell-based structure and easy to use capabilities.
    Excel, for example, is a powerful spreadsheet with VBA robust programming capabilities that can be a powerful tool for teaching civil engineering concepts.

    Spreadsheets can do basic calculations such as cost estimates, schedule and cost control, and markup estimation, as well as structural calculations of reactions, stresses, strains, deflections, and slopes.

    Spreadsheets can solve complex problems, create charts and graphs, and generate useful reports.
    This paper highlights the use of Excel spreadsheet and VBA in teaching civil engineering concepts and creating useful applications.

    we provide Excel Spreadsheets for Civil & Structural Engineers for structural design.
    All spreadsheets that you can download are fully functional.

    Geotechnical design
    Structural R/F concrete
    Structural steel design & detailing
    Bridge design
    Timber design
    Structural dynamics
    Wind load calculation
    Hydraulics and HydrologyContent

    Civil Engineering Spreadsheets
    Abutment Column Design
    ACI 318-08 Rec Sec. Mx -Q-Torsion Design
    ACI 350 & ACI224R-01 Rectangular Section Flexural Crack Width Control
    ACI 350.3-06 Seismic Loads for Liquid-Containing Rectangular RC Tank
    AISC-ASD89 calculation for Beam-Column member
    Analysis for Flat roof systems in structural steel
    Analysis of Pile Groups with Rigid Caps
    Anchor Reinforcement
    Anchor Reinforcement Metric Version
    Appendix D – Anchor Bolt Anchorage
    Appendix D – Anchor Bolt Anchorage AC! 318
    Application for Generation of Height Span Charts Gable Frame Sheds
    ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations
    ASCE71OW – ASCE 7-10 Code Wind Analysis Program
    Axial load capacities of single plates per AISC
    Beam Investigation
    Beaming Capacity for 2006 International Building Code
    Bored Piles Wall and Ground Anchors
    Bridge Concrete Deck Design
    Bridge Design and Analysis
    Calculator assessment of timber structures to AS1720
    Calculator for assessment of cold formed steel structures to AS4600
    Calculator for assessment of steel structures to AS4100
    Calculation of Plane Truss
    Cold Formed Steel Sheds Australia Height Span Limits of C-Sections
    Composite Column
    Concrete Beam Design (CSA A23.1-94)
    Concrete slabs on grade
    Concrete Special Structural Wall ACI 318-08
    Corbel Design (CBDM)
    Design of Prestressed Double Tee Beams
    Design of RCC Trench
    Earthquake Lateral Forces
    Elastomeric Bearing Design
    Foundation Support of a Tank
    Gable Canopy to Australian Codes
    IBC 2006 Seismic Calculation
    IBC2000E – Seismic loading analysis for buildings and various non building structures
    IBC2003E – Seismic loading analysis for buildings and various non building structures
    IBC2006E – Seismic loading analysis for buildings and various non building structures
    IBC2009E – Seismic loading analysis for buildings and various non building structures
    Loads Beam Slab and Spread Footing
    Loads beneath Rigid Pile Caps or Rafts
    Mast – Supporting Guyline
    Member Design – Reinforced Concrete Beam B58110
    Micropile Structural Capacity Calculation
    PCI Stud Tension Breakout
    Pile design
    Prestressed Girder Design
    RC Element Design to Indian Standards
    RC Rectangular Section Design to BS811O Part 1 & 2
    Re Bars
    Re Bars (318 -05)
    Re Bars (318-08)
    Re Bars (318M-05)
    Rectangular HSS & Box Shaped Members
    Rectangular HSS & Box Shaped Members – Combined Bending Shear and Torsion
    Rectangular Section Flexural Crack Width Control
    Reinforced Concrete Staircase ACI-318-08
    Reinforced Concrete Circular Columns
    Reinforced Concrete Pad Footing AS3600 Compliant
    Reinforced Concrete Rectangular Columns
    Reinforced Concrete Sections to BS 8007
    Retaining Wall Calculation
    Retaining Wall Design
    Retaining Walls
    Roof Deck
    Sheet Piling
    Slab Design Base on BS Code
    Snow Loading on FLat Roof
    Soil Bearing Capacity Calculation
    Standard hook bars in tension for AC! 318-08
    Steel Roof and Floor Deck
    Stresses Beneath Pads Under Eccentric Loads
    UBC97 Earthquake Lateral Forces
    US Steel Sheet Pile Design
    X-bracing Design
    All Structural Section Tables
    Beam on Elastic Foundation Analysis
    Concrete Design
    Design of Structural Elements
    Engineering with the spreadsheets
    Footing Design
    International Lateral Loads
    Lateral Programs
    Masonry Design
    Misc Spreadsheets
    Other Structural Spreadsheets
    RC Stair design according to BS 8110
    RC Spreadsheet v1
    RC Spreadsheet v3
    RC Spreadsheet v4a
    Response Spectrum Workbook
    Steel Design Spreadsheets
    Structural Design Spreadsheets
    Structural Tool Kit 3.37
    UBC Seismic Calculations
    AC1318-08 RC Beam
    Aluminum Capacity Design
    Aluminum Rectangular Tube Design
    Beam Analysis Spreadsheet
    Beam Analysis Spreadsheet (Metric)
    Beam Design Functions
    Beam Reactions
    Beam with stress
    Beams on Elastic Foundation
    BS 5950 Circular Hollow members
    Built-in beam with 2 symmetric point loads
    Checking Steel Members with Various Reinforcements
    Continuous Beam Analysis (up to 4 spans)
    Continuous Concrete Beams
    Crane Design Guide to BS5950
    Curved Beams
    Design of Rectangular Column
    EC3 Calculations
    Enhanced Beam Analysis and Design
    Flexure and Torsion of Single Angles
    FRP Reinforcement of RC Beams & Slabs
    Grating Aluminum Beam Design
    Historic 1939 UK Steel Section Properties
    Indian Steel Sections
    Influence lines in continuous beam

    Structural Details
    AISC-LRFD HSS Bracing Punch Plate Connection
    AISC-LRFD-HSS-Virendeel Connections
    AISC-Weld calculation for built up beams
    Analysis and Design of Steel Columns & Beams
    Analysis of steel beam end connections using double clip an
    Analysis of steel beams subject to concentrated loads
    Analysis of Steel Column Base Plate
    Anchor Bolt anchorage
    Angle Seat Detail
    Angle Section Properties
    Angle type tension fitting
    Base Plate analysis
    Bolted Connection Angle Brace Tension
    Bolted End Plate Splice Apex Connection of Portal Frame
    Calculation for mixed concrete-wood floor
    Channel type tension fitting
    Check of Tubular Members as per API RP2A – LFRD Code
    Beam Connections using clip angle
    Coped W-Beam seat
    Deck Slab
    Design of anchorage for underground storage tanks
    Design of Moment Connection
    Design of Plate Elements
    Design of Spread Footing
    Embedment Strength of stud plate
    Gusset Plate Connection for Truss
    Load Combinations
    Mast Design
    Member Design – Steel Beam Column design to BS5950
    Method of Jet Grouting
    Monorail Design
    Offshore Tubular Joints Punch Check as per API-WSD
    Plates straps and rivets
    Pole Foundation IBC 2003
    Pre-Cast Column Connection Design
    Precast Concrete Plank
    Rectangular Spread Footing Analysis
    Rectangular Steel Bar Design
    Roof Purlin Design
    Semi-Circular Tension Fitting
    Shackle Calculations
    Shear Friction ACI 318-02
    Shear Lug Design
    Simple Shear Connection Design AISC
    Snap Fit Beam Calculator
    Spread Footing_vl.04
    Stair Stringer Design
    Steel Beam Bearing Plate Design
    Steel Beam End Connection Design
    Steel Beam with Web Openings
    Steel Reinforcing Platefor Masonry
    Stress in a plate due to a point load
    Two-Way Slab Design to BS 8110

    Geotechnical Spreadsheets
    Account The Shear Size Of Bored Piles
    Analysis of a sheet pile wall
    Analysis of a slip on a long natural slope
    Analysis of Gabions
    Axial and Lateral Load Piles (FEM)
    Bearing Capacity
    Bore Pile Design BS 8004
    Bored Pile Deep Foundation
    Bored Piles For The Analysis of Layered Soil
    Boring Log
    Cantilever retaining wall analysis
    Concrete Box Culvert analysis and Design
    Drained Strip Foundation En1997
    Immediate Pad Footing Settlement
    Lateral pressure against retaining wall due to surcharge loads
    Pile Capacity Calculation
    Reinforced Retaining Wall Design
    Simple Geotechnics Calculations
    Soil Arching – Braced Excavations
    Surcharge Loads Tips – 2
    Surcharge Loads types
    Surcharge Point Loads
    Tunnel Design – Initial Support with Steel Liner Plate
    Wall Pressure Analysis

    Finite Element Method (FEM) Spreadsheets
    2D Frame Analysis
    Beam Analysis with FEM
    Bolt Connection Analysis with FEM
    ExcelFEM_ 2D (for Excel 2003)
    Excel FEM_ 2D (for Excel 2007 & Excel 2010)
    Exc eIFEM_ 3D (for Excel 2003)
    ExceIFEM_3D (for Excel 2007 & Excel 2010)
    Truss Analysis with FEM

    Daniel T Li -
    Steel Design
    Angle Capacity.xls
    Beam Connection.xls
    Beam Gravity.xls
    Beam With Torsion.xls
    Bolts Connection.xls
    brace Connection.xls
    Cantilever Column.xls
    Cantilever Frame.xls
    Channel Capacity.xls
    Column Above Beam.xls
    Composite Collector Beam.xls
    Composite Floor Beam.xls
    Composite Floor Beam With Cantilever.xls
    Composite Floor Girder.xls
    Drag Connection.xls
    Drag Forces for Brace Frame.xls
    Enhanced Composite Beam.xls
    Enhanced Steel Beam.xls
    Exterior Metal StudWall.xls
    Floor Deck.xls
    Gusset Geometry.xls
    Metal ShearWall.xls
    Metal Shear Wall Opening.xls
    Metal Studs.xls
    Rectangular Section.xls
    Roof Deck.xls
    Steel Column.xls
    steel Stair.xls
    Web Tapered Frame.xls
    Web Tapered Girder.xls
    Weld Connection.xls

    Civil Engineering Spreadsheet Library

    Beams Spreadsheets

    Calculator for assessment of coldformed steel structures to AS4600

    Civil Engineering Spreadsheets Premium Collection

    Coulomb Trial Wedge

    Daniel T.Li - Steel Design

    Finite Element Method Spreadsheets

    Geotechnical Spreadsheets

    SHPD v1.1


    Structural Details Spreadsheets Collection


    Structural Design Excel Sheet
  • aboabdullah
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    Thank you
    • Adamgreen
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      • Nov 2018 

      Thanks a lot! Really much appreciated....Keep going on! Thanks a lot again!!! ..^_^1
      • omssad
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        ألف شكر وتحية تقدير. الأخ سعد على عملك الجبار
        • LordKisame
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          Amazing. Thank you very much my friend
          • kha_nab
            Free Membership
            • Dec 2018 

            مجهود رائع ... الف شكر
            • ngtrong
              Free membership
              • May 2023 

              Hi, I cannot download "Calculator for assessment of cold-formed steel structures to AS4600". Please give me advice. Thanks