IBC 2000 Seismic Analysis Spreadsheet

Engineering Excel Spreadsheets & Templates

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    IBC 2000 Seismic Analysis Spreadsheet

    Program Description

    “IBC2000E” is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of seismic loading analysis for buildings and various nonbuilding structures, as well as architectural, mechanical, and electrical components per the IBC 2000 Code. Specifically, the total base seismic shear for buildings and nonbuilding structures is calculated. For Multi-Level Buildings, the vertical distribution of the total seismic shear is also determined, and a drift analysis can also be performed. The seismic restraint force for various components is also calculated.

    This program is a workbook consisting of ten (10) worksheets, described as follows
    Worksheet Name Description
    Doc This documentation sheet
    Single-Level Bldg. Seismic base shear for single-level buildings
    Multi-Level Bldg. Seismic base shear and vertical shear distribution for multi-level buildings
    Multi-Level Bldg. (Drift) Seismic story drift analysis for multi-level buildings
    Steel Vert. Tank or Vessel Seismic base shear and overturning moment for vertical steel tanks/vessels
    Nonbldg. Struct. Seismic base shear and overturning moment for nonbuilding structures
    Arch. Components Seismic force for architectural components
    M & E Components Seismic force for mechanical and electrical components
    Maps for Ss 1996 NEHRP (USGS) maps for 0.2 sec. spectral acceleration with 2% P.E.
    Maps for S1 1996 NEHRP (USGS) maps for 1.0 sec. spectral acceleration with 2% P.E.

