AutoCAD Facilities Management: Areas - 344MB

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    AutoCAD Facilities Management: Areas

    Name Product: AutoCAD Facilities Management: Areas
    Download Size: 399 MB
    COST: $60= Yours Free

    High-quality facility drawings give organizations the information they need to assign, redesign, and reallocate space, whether it’s for manufacturing or offices. When it comes to computer-aided facilities management (CAFM), there is one tool: AutoCAD, Autodesk’s flagship CAD platform for Windows and OS X. Get the skills you need to use AutoCAD to calculate available area, understand which percentage is usable space, and export drawings and data for analysis and presentation. Concentrating on the basics, this course guides you step-by-step through a realistic CAFM project, allowing you to learn at your own pace and develop your skills as you go. Author Shaun Bryant shows how to set up drawings, define and measure areas, set up facilities area tables, and annotate drawings. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to export the information to applications such as Microsoft Excel, so you can analyze the data in a tabular format

    001 Welcome.mp4
    002 What you should know before watching this course.mp4
    003 Using the exercise files.mp4
    004 What is facilities management_.mp4
    005 Using areas in AutoCAD.mp4
    006 Managing your areas.mp4
    007 Using a proprietary title block.mp4
    008 Working with the structural drawing (FP).mp4
    009 Referencing in the structural drawing.mp4
    010 Managing XREF layers.mp4
    011 Drawing units.mp4
    012 Drawing limits.mp4
    013 Layer naming strategy.mp4
    014 Setting gradient fills.mp4
    015 Setting hatch patterns.mp4
    016 Why use polylines_.mp4
    017 Using a defined polyline layer.mp4
    018 Using object snaps.mp4
    019 Creating area outlines.mp4
    020 Gross external area (GEA).mp4
    021 Gross internal area (GIA).mp4
    022 Methods of measurement.mp4
    023 Using object snaps and centerlines.mp4
    024 Using draw order.mp4
    025 Using lineweight (LWT).mp4
    026 Text styles.mp4
    027 Annotative scaling.mp4
    028 Using text fields.mp4
    029 Text field settings.mp4
    030 Using text symbols.mp4
    031 Setting up the area table style.mp4
    032 Setting up the table title.mp4
    033 Setting up the table headers.mp4
    034 Setting up the table data.mp4
    035 Inserting the area table.mp4
    036 Locating polyline area data.mp4
    037 Linking polyline areas to table fields.mp4
    038 Exporting table data to Excel.mp4
    039 Editing exported area table data in Excel.mp4
    040 Next steps.mp4




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