Facebook Groups Super Email Extractor Cracked
برنامج لاستخراج البيانات من قروبات الفيس بوك
لم يسبق لي تجربته .
With this Email Extractor,
You can Scrape and Extract Public Emails From Facebook and other sources very easily in one click.
Extract From Facebook Groups
You can Extract Data from Facebook Groups that you are joined to.
The application will get all the groups automatically in one click.
Extract From Any text
You can Paste any text and Extract Emails From, Then you can split by domain and export to your PC.
Facebook Token Generator
The application has a build-in functionality to Generate A Full Access token Facebook Token,
and it allows you to generate multiple tokens and it will rotate between them automatically to avoid being blocked.
برنامج لاستخراج البيانات من قروبات الفيس بوك
لم يسبق لي تجربته .
With this Email Extractor,
You can Scrape and Extract Public Emails From Facebook and other sources very easily in one click.
Extract From Facebook Groups
You can Extract Data from Facebook Groups that you are joined to.
The application will get all the groups automatically in one click.
Extract From Any text
You can Paste any text and Extract Emails From, Then you can split by domain and export to your PC.
Facebook Token Generator
The application has a build-in functionality to Generate A Full Access token Facebook Token,
and it allows you to generate multiple tokens and it will rotate between them automatically to avoid being blocked.