AutoCAD Plant 3D Essential Training: Specs & Catalogs - 325MB

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    Lynda - AutoCAD Plant 3D Essential Training: Specs & Catalogs

    How do specifications and catalogs work together, and how can you streamline your piping model designs? This course covers how to use AutoCAD Plant 3D to create a new spec and build contents by leveraging catalog components. Join Irene Radcliffe as she takes you through how to use features in the Plant 3D application, and also how to edit spec elements outside of the application in Excel. After Irene demonstrates how to create specs and use catalogs, she then shows you how to modify and add to each. She also shows you how to work with branch tables and how to ensure branch connections are compliant with a project.

    Topics include:

    Using part filters

    Modifying parts

    Adding new parts to a catalog

    Using the Spec Editor

    Creating a new spec

    Adding components to a spec

    Editing parts

    Using Part Use Priority

    Editing specs in Excel

    Setting up and modifying a branch table

    Testing components and branch tables