Hands-On IP Subnetting Video
By Brian Rogalski
January 2020
Carve networks like a pro!

Key Features
- Understand the IPV4 Addressing system and subnetting along with its differences with IPV6
- Your practice guide to prepare for the CCNA or other networking exam and subnetting
- Discover the difference between classful and classless networking and subnetting
- Learn numbering systems and convert numbers to binary and hexadecimal for subnetting
- Understand the fundamentals of the IPv4 addressing system to form better subnets
- Get familiar with OSI, TCP/IP models, and IP protocols (FTP/DNS etc) to improve the performance of your network and provide flexibility
- Learn CIDR and Variable Length Subnetting to save resources used to maintain IP routing tables
- Subnet Class C, B, and A networks with full-length subnet masks to fully utilize your IP addresses
