Scania Diagnos Programmer SDP3 2.42.1 2020

Auto Repair and Diagnostics Programs

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Scania Diagnos Programmer SDP3 2.42.1 2020

    Year / Release Date: 2020
    Version: 2.42.1
    System requirements: To use the program requires a computer !!! For normal operation of the program, this equipment must meet certain system requirements, see the section "System requirements".
    Interface language: Multilingual (Russian is present)
    Tabletka: present
    Description: The program is used for troubleshooting, setting parameters preferred by the client, performing calibrations, performing upgrades that affect the electrical system, and updating the software of the control units.
    Add. Information: Performance tested on Windows 7 64 bit.
    For diagnosis, you will need a VCI2 or VCI3 adapter

    1) Install run admin tmode.bat
    2) Restart the PC
    3) Install sdp3 2.42.1 and restart
    4) Install driver 32 or 64 Bit
    5) Run "Hardware ID Reader" copy ID machine
    6) Run "Protection REG" paste up ID machine ---> click in "Decode Fingerprint" ---> click in "Generate" ---> a .reg file is generated in the folder
    7) Run clik .reg file and apply in registy
    8) Copy and replace in the program folder 2 file "Fix 2.42.1"
    9) Run install "ScaniaSDP3Time Add 2 Year"
    10) Restart PC
    Attached Files