midas GTS NX 2019 v1.2 x64 full version

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    midas GTS NX 2019 v1.2 x64 full version

    midas GTS NX is a software package designed for complex geotechnical calculations. GTS NX has a user-friendly modern interface, as well as a powerful and fast Solver with support for 64-bit systems and a GPU. With GTS NX you can quickly and efficiently perform the most complex calculations.

    GTS NX allows you to generate a hybrid finite element mesh that uses the optimal combination of hexahedral and tetrahedral elements. The main advantage of using hexahedral elements is that they provide more accurate results of the stress-strain state than tetrahedral elements. And the advantage of using tetrahedral elements is that they are more effective for modeling sharp bends and angles of complex geometry. GTS NX is able to use both types of elements - tetrahedral and hexahedral without any significant loss of simulation or calculation speed.




    السلام عليكم استاذ
    ممنونين منكم على هذا الجهد المميز والرائع وجعله الله في ميزان حسناتكم
    من فضلك استاذ لايمكن تنزيل الملفات هل توجد مشكلة في الروابط
    مع تحياتي

      Kindly help with username and password to download.

        Originally posted by wissam hadi View Post
        السلام عليكم استاذ
        ممنونين منكم على هذا الجهد المميز والرائع وجعله الله في ميزان حسناتكم
        من فضلك استاذ لايمكن تنزيل الملفات هل توجد مشكلة في الروابط
        مع تحياتي
        حياك الله أخي العزيز

        منذ بداية العام 2020 اصبح التحميل من سيرفرات البوابة مدفوع أخي الكريم

        يرجى الاطلاع هنا


          Originally posted by WILSON View Post
          Kindly help with username and password to download.
          Download from our privet server required paid subscription


            MUCHAS GRACIAS

              link still working ?

              • Saadedin
                Saadedin commented
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                Yes, of course