ANSYS 2020 R1 nCode DesignLife Win/Linux x64

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    ANSYS 2020 R1 nCode DesignLife Win/Linux x64

    ANSYS nCode DesignLife product family ANSYS nCode DesignLife Standard is the main product for solving fatigue life problems. Includes assessment methods depending on the level of stress (stress-life), deformations and the Dang Van method. DesignLife Standard Package Features Stress Life Fatigue Analysis Analysis of the fatigue life of the structure depending on the level of stress. There is the possibility of interpolation between the curves of material properties depending on temperature. You can use Python scripts to create new or improve existing methods for evaluating fatigue life. Preliminary solution of multi-cycle fatigue curves with nominal stress control.

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