Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 6th edition (.mdx) + GoldenDict-1.5.0

Year / Release Date: 2016
Version: 6th edition
Developer: Longman
Tabletka: not required
Description: In my opinion, one of the best dictionaries for learning English.
Dictionary in Mdict format. Can be used with Mdict or Goldendict 1.5+.
GoldenDict-1.5.0-RC2 is included in the distribution.

Year / Release Date: 2016
Version: 6th edition
Developer: Longman
Tabletka: not required
Description: In my opinion, one of the best dictionaries for learning English.
Dictionary in Mdict format. Can be used with Mdict or Goldendict 1.5+.
GoldenDict-1.5.0-RC2 is included in the distribution.