PeregrineLabs Yeti 3.0.3 Maya 2018
Peregrine Labs has released Yeti 3.0.3, the last update to its fur, feathers and instancing system for Maya. This update include new capabilities and/or bug fixes that improve the 3.0.0 release
Supported Architectures: x64
Language: english
System Requirements: PC / Linux
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 & 7.2 WS or CentOS 6.5 & 7.2
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, VRay 3.60, Renderman 21.7, 3Delight 12.0.113, Redshift 2.6.14, Clarisse 3.6 SP4
Software Prerequisites: Autodesk Maya 2018