IMSI DesignCAD 3D Max 2019 28.0 Release 09.12.2019
DesignCAD 3D MAX 2019 is an easy-to-use 2D/3D CAD software for beginners to create high-quality designs, simple renders and animations. The latest release of this award-winning software supports AutoCAD 2019 drawing files, NURBS curves, 3D modeling engine improvements, new 3D display modes, and scalable icons for high-resolution monitors.

Windows 64-bit & 32-bit Compatible
DesignCAD can be installed as either a 32-bit or 64-bit application. The 32-bit version has always been limited to using 2 GB of RAM, even when running on 64-bit versions of Windows with 4GB or more of RAM. The 64-bit version can access the larger amounts of RAM that are usually available on 64-bit systems, enabling you to create, edit, and render much larger drawings than you can with the 32-bit version.
DesignCAD 3D MAX 2019 is an easy-to-use 2D/3D CAD software for beginners to create high-quality designs, simple renders and animations. The latest release of this award-winning software supports AutoCAD 2019 drawing files, NURBS curves, 3D modeling engine improvements, new 3D display modes, and scalable icons for high-resolution monitors.

Windows 64-bit & 32-bit Compatible
DesignCAD can be installed as either a 32-bit or 64-bit application. The 32-bit version has always been limited to using 2 GB of RAM, even when running on 64-bit versions of Windows with 4GB or more of RAM. The 64-bit version can access the larger amounts of RAM that are usually available on 64-bit systems, enabling you to create, edit, and render much larger drawings than you can with the 32-bit version.