Vidmore 1.0.32 All-in-One Multilingual

Video editing, Montage and Multimedia

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    Vidmore 1.0.32 All-in-One Multilingual

    Vidmore All-in-One عبارة عن حلول كاملة لتحويل الفيديو ونسخ أسطوانات DVD و Blu-ray
    تلتزم Vidmore بتطوير برامج سطح المكتب والخدمات عبر الإنترنت ، لمساعدة الناس على تحسين كفاءة العمل ، وتوفير وقت كبير وزيادة الإنتاجية.

    Vidmore All-in-One is a Complete Solutions for Video Converting, DVD & Blu-ray Ripping
    Vidmore is committed to developing desktop programs and online services, to help people improve the working efficiency, save considerable time and increase productivity.

    Vidmore Video Converter :
    Vidmore Video Converter supports converting all popular video formats. It allows you to export video files into a wide range of formats and devices. You can easily choose an output format and convert your videos with ease. New formats are constantly added, making the software more powerful.

    Rip DVD to Phone, Tablet, TV and More :
    Vidmore DVD Ripper is the best utility for DVD ripping and enables you to watch your favorite DVD movies on any devices. You can easily choose from various optimized presets for all common devices, such as iPhone, iPad, Samsung, Huawei, LG, Xiaomi, Sony, Apple TV, Xbox, PS4 and more. With this DVD software, it’s more convenient than ever to watch your DVD discs anywhere and anytime.

    Rip Blu-ray Fast with 100% Original Quality :
    This Blu-ray ripping software supports Blu-ray discs of any kind. It adapts the most advanced transcoding and encoding technology, which makes the ripping process 6x faster than other competitors, without losing any quality.



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